Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama's Wide Web

WaPo story on the Obama online operation pulls the curtain back just a bit. The thing that jumps out of this article beyond the obligatory "video is good" and "listen to people and communicate with them" is the fact that Obama as 5 times as many people working on his online presence than McCain.

The next time someone on the Right complains about how we're all behind on the net, ask them if their opponent is outstaffing them 5 to 1 in their online operation.

Not only is the size of the staff indicative of the level of commitment, but I also think it's telling that they are in-house. Outsourcing custom development and tool building is smart, but if you don't have true believers interacting with supporters through your web presence every day, no amount of money paid to a K Street firm is going to help you.


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