Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bill Clinton: 'Screw It, I'm Running For President'

Finally, the truth comes out...The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

UltimateRonPaul... Ultimately annoying

Click here... to visit the most annoying website. You'd think between Viguerie and the legion of Ron Paul supporters they could have come up with something with a bit more panache...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How To Solve a Rubik's Cube

Great beginners guide to solving the Rubik's Cube. Has step by step instruction with animation and images. Now you can solve any old cube laying around and impress your friends.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Google Docs Adds Subfolders

Google docs becomes even more versatile. MS Office becoming irrelevant yet?

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Patrick Ruffini chides the chattering class...

I think Patrick Ruffini touches on part of a very important point here, something that I've been thinking about during this election season: measuring the mood of the electorate is becoming increasingly difficult in the face of burgeoning technology and the volume of inside baseball chatter in the MSM and blogosphere. Conventional polling only reaches households with land lines, which is an increasingly small (and demographically skewed) set of potential voters (this deserves more attention than I'd like to devote here, stay tuned). These polls are the basis for much of the heavy-handed prognostication bandied about in the media, shaping the horse race coverage and instilling in many voters, I believe, a sense of who "has a chance" (because who really wants to throw their vote away on a long-shot?). While all this flawed information is being talked about and raked over endlessly in the media, and pundits are gauging a candidate's chances by the amount of buzz they generate on cable news and the blogosphere, another significant segment of the population is making up their minds about who to vote for -- without noticing or being noticed by the chattering class. "Huckabee won women 40-26% (and men just 29-26%). He won voters under $30,000 by about 2 to 1. Cross those two, take away the Republican filter, and you’re talking about a general election constituency that is at least 2-to-1 Democratic. These are not people that conventional primary campaigns are designed to reach. These are the Republican voters the furthest away from National Review, other elite conservative media, and websites like this one. It’s easy to see just how the analysts missed the boat on this one."

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Thursday, January 3, 2008


Whiskipedia: finally, all of your Whisky questions answered in one place. Maybe now people will stop trying to serve me Jack Daniels when I ask for Bourbon...

Activists want more from Candidate Websites

Online activists demanding more from candidate websites...

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earfl -- voicemail meets flickr

This is an interesting little service where you can call a number and leave a voice message that other people can then access. At the moment it's being hyped primarily as a means to give personal endorsements to political candidates, but I see this as more of a personal epiphany recording instrument. Got an idea that so brilliant it bears instant recording but you don't want to trouble another person with it directly? Call the number, leave the message, and share it with others. Jokes and harrowing stories are also sure to proliferate.

earfl is where stories come to life. Capture and share your own.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Iowa Caucus Predictions: Romney, Obama Win; Clinton Third

From -- The Zen of Shaving: How a Razor Can Change Your Life

A good case for shaving the old fashioned way, I may need to give this a try..."If I told you a way you could improve your health, save money, help the environment, and feel better about yourself by doing something you already do every day, would you be interested?"

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